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Domestic Violence Defense
Attorneys in Bay County, Michigan

According to statistics from the Crime in Michigan Annual Report, there were 68,252 total domestic violence offenders statewide in 2021. In the state of Michigan, a person may be arrested for committing a domestic violence offense if they assault a family, household member, or a dating partner. An offender convicted of domestic violence in Michigan might face massive fines, imprisonment, loss of parental privileges, a criminal record, and other life-changing consequences. 

If you have been arrested and charged with domestic violence, it is imperative that you retain a strategic Michigan criminal defense attorney to help build your case. At Revolution Law PLC, we're committed to offering aggressive representation and skilled legal guidance to clients facing domestic violence charges. Our reliable legal team can investigate the surrounding details of your case, outline a strong defense strategy to fight your charges, and help keep your record as clean as possible. 

Revolution Law PLC serves clients across Bay County, the surrounding areas throughout Bay and Midland counties, and the entire state of Michigan. 

Domestic Violence in Michigan  

According to Michigan law, a person commits a domestic violence offense if he or she assaults or assaults and batters any of the following: 

  • the person's spouse or former spouse 

  • an individual with whom the defendant has or has had a dating relationship

  • an individual with whom the defendant has had a child in common

  • a resident or former resident of the defendant’s household

Accused of Domestic Violence?

 Contact Our Team

General Provisions of the Law

Under Michigan law, assault can be described as an attempt to cause physical injury to another person. Also, battery or "assault and battery" involves intentionally using force or violence against another person. 

When the victim, in either instance, is a family member, household member, or a current or former dating partner, the defendant may be charged with domestic violence. A lawyer can assess the nature of your charges and help you understand the possible penalties and implications. 

Possible Penalties and Consequences

In Michigan, domestic violence accusations usually carry far-reaching penalties. Depending on the severity of the offense, criminal history, and other mitigating or aggravating circumstances, a defendant convicted of domestic violence could be subject to any of the following penalties and consequences: 

  • substantial fines and court fees 

  • prison sentences (ranging from months or years) 

  • community service 

  • probation 

  • mandatory anger management classes 

  • a criminal record/history 

  • a Domestic Relationship Personal Protection Order (PPO) or restraining order may be issued against you 

  • ineligibility to obtain certain financial loans 

  • loss of the right to vote during elections 

  • increased difficulty traveling abroad 

  • loss of parenting privileges, including child custody and visitation rights 

  • loss of the right to carry or possess a firearm or gun 

  • increased difficulty in getting new employment, housing, or public benefits 

  • damage to professional, personal, and familial relationships 

  • possible deportation or inadmissibility into the United States 

If you or someone you know has recently been arrested or indicted with domestic violence, you need to get in touch with a reliable criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Your attorney can investigate every aspect of your case and determine the best defenses to help fight your charges. 

Possible Defenses  

When charged with domestic violence in Michigan, it truly is vital to turn to a skilled lawyer for guidance. Your defense counsel may be able to help fight the false allegations against you using any of these legal defenses: 

  • self-defense 

  • false accusation 

  • innocence

  • lack of intent 

  • accident 

  • the crime can't be proven beyond reasonable doubt 

  • error during the investigation 

  • inconsistencies in the evidence 

  • the incident occurred due to the victim's behavior or actions 

A well-informed Michigan domestic violence defense attorney can take proactive actions to prevent charges from being filed against you or strategize a solid defense to help you avoid the severe punishments of a criminal conviction. 

Work With a Seasoned Criminal Defense Attorney

Defending your domestic violence allegations without reliable guidance and representation is never advisable. Just like in other states, a criminal record or domestic violence conviction in Michigan is extremely serious and could potentially jeopardize your personal reputation, quality of life, and entire future. When facing domestic violence charges, you need to retain a criminal defense attorney right away. 

At Revolution Law PLC, our attorneys have devoted their careers to handling criminal cases and protecting individuals charged with domestic violence from worst-case scenarios. With our in-depth understanding of the law, we can guide you through the complex Michigan criminal justice system and help you move forward during this difficult time. 

Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys in Bay County, Michigan

If you've been charged with domestic violence, don't face it alone. Contact us at Revolution Law PLC today to schedule a simple case evaluation. We're ready to offer you the compassionate representation and reliable advocacy you need in your case. We're proud to serve clients across Bay County, Michigan, and the surrounding areas throughout Bay and Midland counties, so reach out to us today.