Court Process in Drunk Driving Cases

Charged with drunk driving? Our DUI attorneys handle a great deal of DUI Offenses in Mid-Michigan and we represent your best interests.
If you are arrested for drunk driving (DUI) in Michigan, you face life-changing penalties. Depending upon the charges, you could lose your license, spend time in jail, and be sentenced to probation or mandatory counseling. The DUI attorneys at Revolution Law PLC analyze your case each step of the way and make sure your rights are not violated.
Since we handle a great deal of Drunk Driving (DUI) Offenses, our DUI attorneys know that being accused of violating the drunk driving laws (MCL 257.625) can cost you. Making sure you hire the best DUI attorneys becomes critical to ensuring a positive outcome in your case. We have handled a significant amount of drunk driving (DUI) cases in Mid-Michigan, and we aren’t afraid of taking a case to trial. Our attorneys have had success at the motion level, trial level, and even appeals in drunk driving, DUI, OWI, and other alcohol-related offenses.
A Dui Charge Can Change Your Life
In general, there are three levels of driving under the influence (DUI) charges in the state of Michigan:
Driving with a high Blood Alcohol Content (.17 or over) is commonly known as the Super Drunk Law.
Operating While Intoxicated (OWI)(OUIL)
Operating While Impaired (OWVI)
The penalties for these offenses range from having six points added to your license, mandatory counseling for one year, and the installment of a breathalyzer device on your vehicle (for the high BAC charge), down to four points, probation, and a 90-day restricted license (for Impaired driving).
Michigan Law — MCL 257.625 — is a complex area, which requires a deep knowledge of the interaction of a range of other laws that can affect you should you be charged with a drunk driving offense in Michigan.
These Offenses Can Be Broken Down Into Three Parts:
Why did the police have contact with you?
Did the police compile enough information to believe you were driving under the influence?
Did the police follow the proper procedures throughout the arrest process?
Court Process in Drunk Driving Cases:
In Michigan, when you’ve been charged with Drunk Driving or OWI, the court process can be very confusing. The experienced DUI attorneys at Revolution Law PLC will guide you through the process and make sure that you understand what your best options are.
When you are charged with a Drunk Driving Offense in Mid-Michigan, the first thing to happen after an arrest will be your arraignment. This is a process whereby the Judge tells you what you are charged with, and the maximum possible penalties. They may also set bond conditions at this hearing. Hiring Revolution Law PLC’s DUI attorneys can be beneficial because we can waive this first hearing for you, preventing you from having to take precious time off work, or sitting in a courtroom for hours.
The next step of the process is a Pre-Trial, where we will speak with the prosecutor to see whether the case can be resolved. After this step, in many instances, Motions will be filed to keep out certain evidence or to attempt to bring evidence in.
If the case is not resolved at Pre-Trial, the case would then proceed to Trial. At trial, you have the opportunity to call witnesses and cross-examine the prosecution’s witnesses. You can also challenge the prosecution’s evidence of drunk driving, and present evidence that is contrary to the prosecution’s evidence.
If you are found not guilty, the case is over and you would be free to go. If you are found guilty at trial, you would be referred to a Probation agent to complete a pre-sentence interview, and then return later for sentencing.
At Revolution Law PLC, our DUI attorneys take pride in diligently representing the best interests of our clients, including taking on overzealous cops, prosecutors, and judges. Please call us today.